Local numbers in 44 countriesEase of access internationally
Toll free numbersEase of access for your customers
Multiple GeographiesMulti site integrated phone systems
We can connect your offices, mobile and home or cottage seemlessly!
No Contracts! No Cancellation Fees!
We want to make it Easy for you to concentrate on your business!
One stop shop for your I.T. needs.Make us work for you. Relior checks that each customer has the most cost effective program.
Never feel trapped. There are no contracts, no cancellation fees, and no technology lock-in. We ensure each of our customers has the most cost effective program.
Never miss a client call. The follow-me service ensures that you get the call everywhere. Customizable Day Time or After Hours connectivity. Clients can still call the business number after hours and you can pick up on your home or cell phone.
Extend your office wherever you are. Have a business phone, a mobile phone, or your home phone all connected to your office virtually!
Work from everywhere. No one will know the location of where you take your calls unless you tell them. Save money. Internal calls between work stations are FREE!
Leverage your donations to the max! We have special programs to minimize your costs! We can bring all of your teams together in the most cost effective ways!
Make the change for better service and superior price! |